Frequently asked questions
We have a 30 day return policy and offer free shipping options on orders over €59 within the EU and Norway. For orders below €59 a shipping cost will be added and calculated at check-out. Shipping outside of the Nordic countries is usually 3-5 working days. Shipping outside of Europe is usually 5-10 working days. You can pay with debit and credit card. Depending on your location, you can also pay with an invoice via Klarna.
I need to make a complaint, what do I do?
Can I change my delivery address afterwards?
If I don’t pick up the package, what happens?
Who delivers the packages?
Can I track my order?
Do I have to pay for shipping if I shop at Najell.com?
How long is the delivery time?
What happens if I am not home?
Can I use two discount codes in the same purchase?
I forgot to use my discount code at the time of purchase, can I change it?
Where do I enter a discount code?
I have used a discount code at the time of purchase, how does it work if I wish to change to another item?
Shopping on najell
I have made a purchase but have not received an order confirmation?
Can I add products to my order afterwards?
Can I cancel my order?
Where is my order?
The product I want to buy is out of stock, can I reserve it on your website?
I am looking for a product but can’t find it on the website?
Reviews on Najell.com
Where can I find user instructions?
What size Najell Wrap should I choose?
Can I wash a Najell product in the washing machine?
Orders & Payments
I can’t pay in checkout, what can I do?
What payment methods do you offer?
How do I place an order?
Can I return or withdraw my purchase?
How do I make a return?
How do I get a refund for a return?
How long does it take to process a return?
How long do you offer returns on your website?
Does it cost to make a return?
Can I exchange products?
I have used a discount code at the time of purchase, how does it work if I wish to change to another item?
I received a free gift with my order. What should I do with the free gift received when initiating a return process?
Right of withdrawal